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Protect a Pen Drive with Rohos Mini Drive

The first thing we'll see how the method is to put a password to your pendrive.

What this program does is create a virtual partition on the pendrive, which is hidden until they run an executable file that is in the USB stick, and we asked a password to access the contents of the virtual partition.

This password is the one we have put to create a unit hidden in the pen, and that is what leaves the door open, leaving visible in Windows Explorer to our unit.

We will explain the process step by step to understand it better.

Create a hidden partition on a Pendrive:
* Once we have finished installing Rohos Mini Drive, open it and we went to set the USB key.

* It opens a window which will depart in 3 sections:

1: Path of the unity of origin Pendrive: Select the drive that corresponds to our memory stick.
2: Setting the partition to create the pendrive (leave the default)
3: Create password for Pendrive is the key we ask that the executable will create the pendrive in order to access their data.
* Once the program has finished creating the partition on the pendrive, appears in this image that shows the name of the new virtual disk (Disk F), which is the drive on which stores all content.

* Now click on disconnect and close the application.
* Open Pendrive and unity as we go beyond the data we had stored, an executable file called Rohos mini. If you execute it, we see an opening screen asking for the password to access the virtual drive F:

* By entering the password, look as it appears in Windows Explorer drive F, which is the virtual drive that we have to save protected documents created in the pendrive.

From here, every time you run your pen on any computer, only you can view the content of this unit using the password secret. So if someone grabs you borrowed your pen, you can not in any way accessing this information.

You can change the password from the program Rohos pendrive and also allows you to increase the capacity of the virtual drive, delete it, create backups, etc...

Download Rohos Mini Drive 1.19

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